More progress 2...

I got into the motor this weekend.

Nothing like a little red RTV to seal things up...Jesus. Luckily, I found out that the reason the front rocker box was leaking was because it was missing two nuts...one of them being that 9th mount in the front that I talked about when splitting the other set of rocker boxes...that oughta be a lesson to people who chops those out.

Found a set of high lift Andrews titanium retainers in it. That means it's running around a .600 cam. I guess I'll find out in the next day or two for sure.

Label them pushrods...this motor was nasty.

I thought the crank seal was leaking, but it looks like oil was coming down from above and running into the stator plug and coming out around the rotor on the bottom.


Irish Rich said...

Nobody ever puts sealant on the two little screws that hold the nylon stater wire retainer. Most of the time, those screw holes go thru the cases.

Those threaded holes always leak oil, and as you can see, not just a little!

J-Rod said...

Well, see I learned something new. Thanks Rich.