I know it seems...

Like I'm spending way too much time on this, but look at the difference between the one that I haven't really started yet and the one that I'm almost done with. I'm doing this all by hand with files, emery cloth and sandpaper as well. I'll be finished with the left one tonight and get cracking on the right one immediately. I haven't been posting much, but I've been working on a few things and am changing pace on the next Shovel build once again. I got a fire under my ass now and It's gonna turn out badass. I had to dig into the parts stash and sell a few things to fund it though (kids be spensive).


T1 said...

Isn't that the only way to work aluminum?! Way worth the out come

J-Rod said...

You could have someone CNC mill it, go at it with hand sanders and grinders. There are ways that it could be done faster, but you lose the sense of accomplishment.