When I went to see old Shit Falcon the other day he sent me home with these old narrow trees for 41mm legs.
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Oakland Cemetery

Historic Oakland Cemetery the Confederate Memorial statue was built in 1874 & for a long time was the highest point in Atlanta. The cemetery itself was built in 1850 with the purpose that in those days cemetery's were to be enjoyed by the living, I think they succeeded in that. It was originally 6 acres but grew to 42 with the civil war, there are still 3,000 unmarked graves of Confederate soldiers. It is a great place to spend a fall day walking around, its kinda weird to walk through the different sections & think that it was farm land. The Potter section which was for the poor & people who had no family to pay for a plot was bought from a farmer named Mr. Grant, which is who Grant park is named after.
Filth Pig...
The picture Nick posted on the Haints blog made me think of this song. We used to "expand our minds" and use Ministry as a soundtrack.
Wheels Through Time...
I stopped by to see my homeboy John Dill while I was in North Carolina last week. This is on the lift in the shop...I want to go apeshit when I see the amount of cool stuff Dale has.
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Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
Local Boys...
This is Tim lynch he is the world record holder for 10.5 Outlaw. Crazy to believe just a few years ago people thought these cars wouldn't break in the 6's. Well if anyone doubted them, Atlanta boys have been proving them wrong for years now. Brad Brand another local out of Loganville broke the MPH about 3 years ago going 219 in the 1/4. Now Tim has gone and smashed that going 6.26 at 232 MPH insane. Gotta love door slammers.
Drink Beer...
Those Japanese...
Panshovel, Pan/Shovel, Pan Shovel...
It doesn't matter how you spell it, the term is a bastard. The term "pan" and/or "shovel" is a shortened version of "Panhead" or "Shovelhead" speaking to a variation of motorcycle produced during a certain time frame (1948-1965 and 1966-1984, respectively) which had rocker boxes on top of the head with characteristic features of the term used. A Panhead's rocker box tops looked like dish pans and a Shovelhead's rocker boxes looked like the head of a shovel.
Now, the Shovelhead was offered for its first three years of production as a generator bottom end. Harley was purchased by AMF in 1970 and the development of the alternator-style charging system and associated cases lead to the demise of earlier-style cases in that same year. Those early generator cases were the same as those used in prior motorcycles, including the Panhead.
With that being said, if the term "Panhead" speaks specifically to the rocker boxes used, as does the term "Shovelhead" then by clear logic one would call the motor by what was resting on the tops of the cylinders instead of by some derivative term that was developed so that '66-'69 model Shovelhead owners could feel slightly more significant than '70-'84 Shovelhead owners. Even if asked when the Shovelhead began production, these people would still tell you 1966, but with the audacity to continue to use a bastardized term. Even a Panhead motor that had been upgraded to a Shovelhead top end would no longer be a PanHEAD, but it could be described as a motor that started out as a Panhead, but was converted to a Shovelhead.
Since the terms are explicity used to acknowledge the top end then they should be associated with those years in which they were produced, as there were never Panheads placed on 1966-later models from the factory. So to call a generator case Shovelhead a "Pan Shovel (or some form of it)" shows complete disregard for timeline as well as the real definition of the terms being used. It is ignorant.
To date there is only instance where Pan/Shovel (or a variation) would be appropriate, and that is in the case of a bike like those that Indian Larry built in which one head from each era was used in a mismatched fashion. Any bike produced in this fashion could LOGICALLY use hybrid terminology.
Stop calling it a PanShovel, asshole.
Now, the Shovelhead was offered for its first three years of production as a generator bottom end. Harley was purchased by AMF in 1970 and the development of the alternator-style charging system and associated cases lead to the demise of earlier-style cases in that same year. Those early generator cases were the same as those used in prior motorcycles, including the Panhead.
With that being said, if the term "Panhead" speaks specifically to the rocker boxes used, as does the term "Shovelhead" then by clear logic one would call the motor by what was resting on the tops of the cylinders instead of by some derivative term that was developed so that '66-'69 model Shovelhead owners could feel slightly more significant than '70-'84 Shovelhead owners. Even if asked when the Shovelhead began production, these people would still tell you 1966, but with the audacity to continue to use a bastardized term. Even a Panhead motor that had been upgraded to a Shovelhead top end would no longer be a PanHEAD, but it could be described as a motor that started out as a Panhead, but was converted to a Shovelhead.
Since the terms are explicity used to acknowledge the top end then they should be associated with those years in which they were produced, as there were never Panheads placed on 1966-later models from the factory. So to call a generator case Shovelhead a "Pan Shovel (or some form of it)" shows complete disregard for timeline as well as the real definition of the terms being used. It is ignorant.
To date there is only instance where Pan/Shovel (or a variation) would be appropriate, and that is in the case of a bike like those that Indian Larry built in which one head from each era was used in a mismatched fashion. Any bike produced in this fashion could LOGICALLY use hybrid terminology.
Stop calling it a PanShovel, asshole.
Crazy as hell...
No hippie shit...
I feel like I had to make up for that last one. Live 1987...that means the Master of Puppets tour. I was 7 years old.
Go to this...
Price of 1 gal. of 93 octane: $2.97
Being able to make fun of someone
else for running out of gas for a
change: priceless
Being able to make fun of someone
else for running out of gas for a
change: priceless
Chicken Nuggets...
Remember when your crazy aunt told you that you were eating beaks and feet when you ate some Chicken Nuggets from Mickey D's? Apparently she was right. Here is the "paste" before it's bleached, given an ammonia wash to get rid of the taste and then artificially flavored.
I guess TECHNICALLY it is chicken.
I guess TECHNICALLY it is chicken.

A T L...
So I was talking to Jarrod last night about where we gotta park for the show tonight. he asked if we were gonna ride and I said no cause it is off Luckie street. Ghetto, and you might end up with some shit missing. Made me think of back in the day when I used to skip school and go skate or hang out in Atlanta. Anyways, what y'all know about the dirty south.
For Kris from Trouble Leather...
Speeddriven Supply...
Timebomb Tuesday...
So I got tickets to go see my favorite band in the world again. Hopefully sit at the bar and have a beer with Ben Nichols like the few times before.They are playin with Social Distortion should be a insane show. Cheers!
So Jarrod and I have once again shaven our faces in order to help prostate cancer awareness. Seen this video got me pumped up. Grow a stache be a man's man!
Halo of Locusts with Brian Patton...
So Flounder gets a hold of me the other day and says we're going to see EHG at The Earl in December...no arguing there.
How about Brian Patton and Randy Blythe together?
How about Brian Patton and Randy Blythe together?
4 speed cases...
I got this ratchet top from Justin. Casting marks on the bottom end in 65 and the bolt pattern matches the ratchet top lid he gave me with it, but there is also another bolt hole that the lid covers up...and even though the bolt holes and dowels are perfect, the castings don't line up exact.
Anyone have any insight they would like to share? I looked at a ratchet top case for sale in the J&P catalog and it seemed to have the same odd number of bolt hole and the two right next to each other...maybe it's there for a reason?
Anyone have any insight they would like to share? I looked at a ratchet top case for sale in the J&P catalog and it seemed to have the same odd number of bolt hole and the two right next to each other...maybe it's there for a reason?

Tranny build...
Since the Baker is in the midst of a small problem, I decided it would be in my best interest to go ahead and finish the build on the transmission for the next bike...that way I'll have a back up in case I need it. I'm gonna add a couple of Baker pieces (the N1 in the Shovel is awesome, so I'm doing that again), it already has Andrews gears in it, I'm gonna have it powder coated and beef up a couple of things. I'll have it built and badass in a couple of weeks.

Raising money for charity...
Once a year, we shave on November 1st and grow a mustache for the month. It feels funny being beardless, but it's for Prostate Cancer Research, so I'm all for it. I'll link the donation page shortly.
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Get the bike tuned and realize the kicker is doing something funny...oh, because one of the kicker gears grenaded.
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