
I hate rockabilly...I mean with an intense bile-filled gut hate. The Japanese, as with most things that they take to the extreme, make it hilarious though.

Strawberry wine...

Waylon made some licka that tastes like strawberry hard candy...you know, the shit with the jelly in the middle...yeah, just like that.


I don't post all month and then I DESTROY it all at once because I actually had free time this weekend.

Another from Twains...

Took a ride through the city...

And I can officially say that I saw everyone on Saturday. I stopped by the shop to get some oil from Seth, rode downtown with Timebomb and Waylon, then Waylon and I met Chris in Decatur after he got off work, then we ran to a bar by the house and Justin came out...great day.

Growler Time in Tucker...

My buddy Richard's store...trying out some beers on our ride around town this weekend.

Slight change...

Can you find it?