Merry Christmas...

I hope all of your Christmas dreams come true. One of mine is to be transported back to Club La Vela some time in the late 90's when my body spit out a hangover like I was king of the world. Just one day of fun, then back to my working stiff nonsense again. Anyway, enjoy your Christmas and have some yuletide cocktails with your friends. 


Sifton Stingers...

A pleasant surprise in the Ironhead. These apparently pull a pretty penny as do all of the OG grinds from Tom Sifton before he sold the company.


One of two...Joe King Speed Shop

I asked Paulo a long time ago about a helmet, well one became two and time went on. This one is on its way to me now and the other is being finished. I have a reason why I wanted white with purple...you'll see.