
Wheelbarrow photo bomb...

So I steal this picture of this 45" flatty because I dig the look (other than the white wall), but it takes me a minute to notice the background...WHERE THERE SITS A RAD ASS WHEELBARROW HOT ROD!!!

This made me laugh...

If I see you spell "manual" wrong, this is what you get.


Hmm, what's going through my head?


Blue skies and old bikes...

The product of your labor...

Spend time doing something you enjoy and expand your skills and the fruits of your labor will give you continuous enjoyment.


Happy Thanksgiving...

Be thankful for a free country, badass bikes, gun ownership, all of your blessings...and of course, hot chicks.


One of the best ever...

Black, white, red, brown, old, young, blind, deaf, or dumb...if you don't move your ass or bob your head when you hear this song, then you suck as a person.


Amazing weekend...

I took my 4 year old to his first game. It was like a dream.


That'll do...



Blend and smooth...

They're mismatched anyway...

The cases both have '51 belly numbers, but they aren't the same so to run the mag, I shaved the relay boss.



Getting ready to start on the motor build


What the future holds...

For months now this site has been neglected. Hell, blogs themselves have become neglected since their rise in popularity because of the influx of Instagram accounts (nice buy, Facebook). Because of that, I guess the idea of a blog being a cool thing is kind of on it's way out the door. What do I know, I can't believe I can make it this far, since I have trouble even turning on a computer some days. 
I started this site nearly 5 years ago with the intention of it being an outlet for my random pictures and a chalk board for the ideas in my head. Since then things changed from this to that, it grew and shrank, it became something else and then that something dwindled. People come and go and your ideals change over time, but that doesn't mean that you can't get back to basics.
Thanks to all of the people who looked at the site over the nearly 5 years and please continue to read if you find my rantings entertaining. I've got a Pan build that I'll be diving head first into this winter and I plan on upgrading a lot at my home shop before next summer. Maybe I'll do some other t-shirts to sell or give away or set on fire...who knows?
In the meantime, here are some recent stolen pics that I think show some tastefully done, in their own respect, motorcycles.
Trust no one. All things eventually come to pass.

New Neurosis

Every once in a while an album comes out that kinda reanimates your passion for a particular kind of music. I love stoner doom and have for years, but I've found myself dwindling on music recently because of the lack of things that really make me feel that thing that soothes the savage beast. The new Down is good enough, but nothing too droning or cathartic that makes me get lost in it. I managed to get a digital copy of Shrinebuilder's live in Belgium 20 minute montage, and the live Yob album is something of greatness, but nothing has really transcended my expectations otherwise.
Until this came out last week. Holy. Shit.


Vegas trip...

Tunes for the plane.