Timebomb Tuesday...
So I bought me and J-rod tickets to see these dudes in a week. I am fucking stoked they fucking rule shit. Cheers and Beers muthafuckas!
Ever wonder about changing shocks...
If you've ever wondered about throwing a set of Sportster shocks on a Shovelhead or running a set of Dyna shocks on a Sportster then you should look at this first. I remember reading this before ordering my Works and thinking, "Holy shit, that would suck to run Sportster shocks on my swingarm."
These are just spring rates, so the math isn't anything over the top.
These are just spring rates, so the math isn't anything over the top.

choppy parts,
Math for dummies,
Nerd shit
For sale or trade...
Sick and tired...
Okay, let me start out by saying, I understand it's hard to make it right now. Everyone is spread thin because of the economy and they're trying everything that they can to alleviate the ailments of struggling to stay afloat.
Now, with that being said I will begin my rant. I'm sick and tired of people in this industry slacking on their promises and not backing themselves up with good customer service, which is especially ironic as the majority of them would gladly bitch and moan about companies outsourcing their call centers. Why would a company keep jobs here when the people here are arrogant in their approach and have absolutely no ability to deal with the customer. I've recently been banged over the head with multiple instances of people not following through with what I paid or not backing up the product that they sold you. I've given a couple of these "companies" a last chance for redemption, but some I am through with.
For example...Drag Specialties. I will NEVER buy from them again. In their catalog it plainly states that a particular clutch pack is for Brute III/IV belt drives and that the TPP Variable pressure plate works with all Primo Pro Clutches. Well, I received both items and low and behold...false on both counts. Not only does the TPP plate say that it's for enclosed primaries only (something they failed to include), it will not work with my particular belt drive...open package. The clutch pack was the wrong size altogether. "Hey Seth, can I send this back?" "Yeah, but it will be about three weeks before you hear anything and they have a 25% restocking fee. Even then you'll still just get a Drag credit." Really? That's the kind of service that I receive from a place like that? I've dealt with J&P hundreds of times and their always prompt, willing to help and willing to fix their mistakes. The ONE time I deal with Drag this happens. Sorry Drag Specialties...you lost a couple of customers on that one.
I'll update further when/if I hear from the others.
Now, with that being said I will begin my rant. I'm sick and tired of people in this industry slacking on their promises and not backing themselves up with good customer service, which is especially ironic as the majority of them would gladly bitch and moan about companies outsourcing their call centers. Why would a company keep jobs here when the people here are arrogant in their approach and have absolutely no ability to deal with the customer. I've recently been banged over the head with multiple instances of people not following through with what I paid or not backing up the product that they sold you. I've given a couple of these "companies" a last chance for redemption, but some I am through with.
For example...Drag Specialties. I will NEVER buy from them again. In their catalog it plainly states that a particular clutch pack is for Brute III/IV belt drives and that the TPP Variable pressure plate works with all Primo Pro Clutches. Well, I received both items and low and behold...false on both counts. Not only does the TPP plate say that it's for enclosed primaries only (something they failed to include), it will not work with my particular belt drive...open package. The clutch pack was the wrong size altogether. "Hey Seth, can I send this back?" "Yeah, but it will be about three weeks before you hear anything and they have a 25% restocking fee. Even then you'll still just get a Drag credit." Really? That's the kind of service that I receive from a place like that? I've dealt with J&P hundreds of times and their always prompt, willing to help and willing to fix their mistakes. The ONE time I deal with Drag this happens. Sorry Drag Specialties...you lost a couple of customers on that one.
I'll update further when/if I hear from the others.
bad customer service,
fake asses,
fuck the industry
What th' fuck is that.............
Newest member...
The Beer Drinking Adventure Club would like to welcome our newest degenerate, Chris. He works with Waylon, rode the RFL with us last year and decided he had enough fun to hit the BMR with us this year. The homoerotic behavior, dumbass antics, hungover road trips, DT shakes and sleeping 4 deep in a tent keeps him coming back for more...so with that, we extended him an invitation this weekend with a couple of full force smacks to the testicles. No that's not some sort of initiation ritual, that was just us being drunk and stupid.
Welcome Chris. Your family will surely hate us.
Welcome Chris. Your family will surely hate us.
Still decompressing...

BMR was a blast. Thanks to everyone (you know who you are) that I love and hung out with and big ups to my new friends...I'm sure we'll meet again. Now that the stupidity is over though, time for the regular grind again.
I did find out something cool for anyone who was with us last October. The pics that Dorian Gray took from the RFL are in this month's Outlaw Biker. He had taken a couple of cool pics of my bike and apparently they made it in there. Now I have to find a copy.
I'm going to start a Nerd Biker magazine. I think that's more fitting.
BMR 2011...
So I have a couple photos I gotta get uploaded. This is friday night, I decided to jump off everything and destroy alot of shit. This jump was off a 12 to15 foot roof where the band was playing. J-rod streaked, Got to see all my bros and ride some sick ass roads. Matt from WTT I can't thank you enough for picking me up. Dwayne beat the shit out of some dude naked. Alan thanks for the nasty hand poked tattoo. Spenser I am serious you are the best. John Dills I love you and now I know why you hang out with Robbie that fucker is funny.Flounder you're my main squeeze and I love you. Anyways, the party ruled shit and we will do it again soon. Smoke weed and kiss dudes!
Booze and Bros,
Bring your A game

I think just like Nick...I get nervous before road trips. It'd be one thing if I was rocking a 2011 Road Couch, but checking every nut and bolt on the Shovel is a must and then checking shit at stops is necessary too. Hopefully things go off without a hitch like on the RFL...and I think they will. It still never hurts to make sure everything you've got is ready for the trip as much as you are. I live for this shit, but my belly is rumbling.
Ride to work, work to ride...
Finally getting to shake it down right before BMR...
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
Shout Out...
Some Progress
Sorry, shitty pics. It's been a long time since this frame and motor were together. Like 5 years, no shit. Thanks to J-Rod and Timebomb for comin' over last night and helpin'. I've got a pic somewhere I'll post soon which is the last pic before teardown. There's a pretty awesome story that goes with it. Coming Soon......... 

Stickers are free...
Send me an email with a name and address and I'll send you a sticker. That's a pretty good deal considering they aren't free to us...they cost us hard earned money.
Seriously, we used Sticker Giant and got a pretty good deal on the whole batch.
Seriously, we used Sticker Giant and got a pretty good deal on the whole batch.
Primary Shoes...

Coughing up shit,
Dual 530,
Part Failure
More doodling...
Started drawing John Dill Pickle and finished the rough sketch for Flounder...now I have to transfer my ideas on to one drawing...
Care package...
Variable Pressure Plate...
Two weeks and counting...
Jakey boy...
New shit makes me smile...
Timebomb Tuesday...
I got my pipes yesterday so I was to busy Tuning and playing with the bike but here you go. Lots of noise from these two dudes. Long Live The Black Keys! Cheers!
I don't want a pickle...
So Shitfalcon contacted me the other day and asked me to draw him a cartoon pic of a flounder and a pickle (for obvious reasons) riding motorcycles. I started doodling on a pad of paper while I was on the phone with a customer this morning and this is what I started to come up with. Flounder said he's getting it tattooed on himself. hahaha
Dark Custom Dragon
My Saturday & Sunday
Big Day for the NAVY...

Dixie Round Up...
So my camera took a shit so I don't have any photos. Can't say enough about Garage Company and the Haints. This show and Party ruled shit. Glad our boy J-rod made it. Tom from Deep Six anytime you get lost you got a couch at my house. Flounder and Shitfalcon I love you dudes. Holly thanks for driving the BDAC crew to waffle house for grub. Duane you are one of the most entertaining cats ever. Alan one day the buzzards will ride again. Nick Johnson you ride a girls bike but it is fucking clean as shit. Waylon you are the definition of BROTHER. Haints thanks for the care package. Roadside Marty you fucking rule. To everyone we met and hung out with thanks for the memories. Oh yeah Hate City stand up shit you are doing in memory of a awesome dude. See you at the Big Mountain Run.
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