
Popcorn Sutton is from North Carolina around Maggie Valley.He has made more shine than we could ever imagine.It might sound crazy but I admire folks like Popcorn. Makes me think of where I come from. My Grandfather was caught making moonshine in the 60's, at the time he had almost 170 acres in what is now urban Atlanta. In order to stay out of Jail he had to give up all his property. With Eleven kids and a wife who had just had a stroke he had no choice. When I seen this I wondered if my grandfather would have been this intriguing. Popcorn was recently sentenced to 18 months for making Liquor. He killed himself instead of dying in a cell. RIP Popcorn.


SETHRO said...

Thanks to the motherfuckin Man. Men like Popcorn are a dying breed. Killed himself in his pick-up, carbon monoxide poisoning. Rather than dying in jail.


timebomb said...

I didn't know how he killed himself thanks Seth.

Anonymous said...

My little brother has some of his liquor in his collection. Priceless.