Sent to me by the great Jason Hallman. Thanks homeskillet.
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Weekend Getaway...
If you've never seen them...
They're old as hell, but I still die laughing at them. Fenslerfilms overdubs of GI Joe PSAs are the shit.
Look them up on YouTube.
Look them up on YouTube.
Timebomb Tuesday...
Act like you got some sense! This weekend is Waylons wedding and by God, I am gonna act a fool and so will everyone else. So SHAKE IT LIKE A POLAROID PICTURE! Cheers!
Party Mode...
I stole this from Pakajunk. It was too funny not to.
Apparently, starting in 2010 Toyota 4Runners started coming with a "Party Mode" button. When pushed, the bass is increased and the EQ is moved more to the rear of the vehicle allowing the owner to open the hatch in a situation such as tailgating, etc. and be the life of the party.
I wish everything I own had a party button on it.
Apparently, starting in 2010 Toyota 4Runners started coming with a "Party Mode" button. When pushed, the bass is increased and the EQ is moved more to the rear of the vehicle allowing the owner to open the hatch in a situation such as tailgating, etc. and be the life of the party.
I wish everything I own had a party button on it.

Amon Amarth...
I've never been a System of a Down fan, but I thought this song was halfway decent...this version by Amon Amarth is MUCH better though. Brutality and down-tuned sludge at its best.
Metal rules,
Shake what your mama gave ya
Formal Wear...
Strip bitch...
For anyone who can't see, that was the Disney princess looking stripper at the O on Saturday night. We had Waylon's bachelor party and I snuck in a Titties & Destroy koozie for the pictures, but it's hard to tell since the camera on my phone has no flash.
Waylon got some pics too, but the likelihood of him posting them is slim to none since he only posts about once a year anyway.
Oh, and as we were leaving there was a HUGE F-250 in the parking lot that was leaving and Waylon said, "Everyone watch out!" If you don't get it, scroll down a few posts.
Waylon got some pics too, but the likelihood of him posting them is slim to none since he only posts about once a year anyway.
Oh, and as we were leaving there was a HUGE F-250 in the parking lot that was leaving and Waylon said, "Everyone watch out!" If you don't get it, scroll down a few posts.
North Georgia Critter
Every empire must fall...

Thanks to my buddy Danny Antonucci for the pic. Danny is the owner of a.k.a. CARTOON, the creators of Ed, Edd n Eddy, Lupo the Butcher and The Brothers Grunt.
Long time no see, holmes.
Scratch that...
New Brakes
Timebomb Tuesday...
Been busy working and enjoying this nice weather we are having. So haven't had much time to get on the computer like the rest of you guys. Took a little ride to Tennessee this past weekend and this was played a couple times on the I pod. The dyna got to see its old friend Ducati and hit a couple nice roads around Chattanooga. Anyways get of the computer and ride. Cheers!
No gun talk in ages...
I've been talking with Atlantic Firearms about the future acquisition (once they're back in stock) of a Red Jacket RJ132 AK 47.
Do I need an AK? No. Do I want an AK just to be able to plink 7.62 rounds and have it in case something happens in which I need more fire power than I currently have? Sure.
Do I need an AK? No. Do I want an AK just to be able to plink 7.62 rounds and have it in case something happens in which I need more fire power than I currently have? Sure.

I'm working ridiculous hours, am trying to get some stuff sorted out, am waiting on stuff to finish putting the Shovel back together (long story) and am working on setting up a shop...that combined with some kind of inner ear infection that's messing with my balance and giving me vertigo. As an old timer told me once though, "I can't complain...and even if I could, no one would give a shit."
With that being said, I'll go on to a random thought and some cutaways of a Shovelhead versus a Panhead...and yes, that's a generator Shovel, not a PanShovel like some of you retards want to call the '66-'69 models.
Here is what I wonder. The head design on a Shovelhead is more modern in approach, but a reason that I can't understand, they ditched the simplicity of the rockers being open for adjustment without completely removing the rocker box itself, which is necessary on the Shovelheads. I understand the idea of making the rocker box separate from the head itself and that's something that they maintained on the Evo, but with the Evo they went back to allowing access to the rockers by removing the top of the rocker box. With Shovelheads, the rocker is all hidden and a pain in the ass to work on since it's shaft-mounted inside a half-enclosed box. From a mechanical point-of-view, it would make sense to have a Panhead style setup, as you could check valve lash at the rocker/valve spring contact point instead of the common "zero lash" method or through the seemingly retarded "back it off and then turn it six flats." Yes, it's nice to have a motor that any Joe Blow can work on without specialty tools or the knowledge of how to set valve lash in a performance engine, but still...that seems kind of elementary.
Okay, I love Shovelheads and have two of them, but I just wanted to put that thought out there since I have no pictures or progress of my own to contribute.

With that being said, I'll go on to a random thought and some cutaways of a Shovelhead versus a Panhead...and yes, that's a generator Shovel, not a PanShovel like some of you retards want to call the '66-'69 models.
Here is what I wonder. The head design on a Shovelhead is more modern in approach, but a reason that I can't understand, they ditched the simplicity of the rockers being open for adjustment without completely removing the rocker box itself, which is necessary on the Shovelheads. I understand the idea of making the rocker box separate from the head itself and that's something that they maintained on the Evo, but with the Evo they went back to allowing access to the rockers by removing the top of the rocker box. With Shovelheads, the rocker is all hidden and a pain in the ass to work on since it's shaft-mounted inside a half-enclosed box. From a mechanical point-of-view, it would make sense to have a Panhead style setup, as you could check valve lash at the rocker/valve spring contact point instead of the common "zero lash" method or through the seemingly retarded "back it off and then turn it six flats." Yes, it's nice to have a motor that any Joe Blow can work on without specialty tools or the knowledge of how to set valve lash in a performance engine, but still...that seems kind of elementary.
Okay, I love Shovelheads and have two of them, but I just wanted to put that thought out there since I have no pictures or progress of my own to contribute.

Nerd shit,
technical jargon

Happy Saint Patrick's Day...
It's that time of year for you to hop on your bikes, ride to your local Irish-themed pub and have a few pints with your friends and neighbors. Imbibery and debauchery should run rampant on this eve and even though this is my busiest time of year, the boss makes sure to recognize the need for people to cut loose on this holy day to enjoy their favorite ale.

As you're out tonight remember that everyone WANTS to be Irish today, so be sure that you'll hear people talking in funny accents, telling others that their great great grandfather's neighbor was Irish and somehow that makes them Irish. Just let them enjoy the festivities. Remember, the Saint Patrick himself wasn't even Irish, he was just called there by God to Christianise the Irish and lead them from polytheistic beliefs. He didn't banish snakes from Ireland like they say...there were never snakes on the isle.

Enjoy the exports of Ireland on this day, even though it officially has nothing to do with the man who it's named for (he'd probably be ashamed). This is about celebrating Irish heritage through drinking and feasting, so even if you don't have an Irish bone in your body, then drink like you do.

Regardless of whether or not you're a nerd...

Because even after a few drinks, the nerd may end up with the girl...even if the next day she doesn't look like this...or the next day she wakes up and says, "Aww shit, what did I do?"

Slainte' friends.

As you're out tonight remember that everyone WANTS to be Irish today, so be sure that you'll hear people talking in funny accents, telling others that their great great grandfather's neighbor was Irish and somehow that makes them Irish. Just let them enjoy the festivities. Remember, the Saint Patrick himself wasn't even Irish, he was just called there by God to Christianise the Irish and lead them from polytheistic beliefs. He didn't banish snakes from Ireland like they say...there were never snakes on the isle.

Enjoy the exports of Ireland on this day, even though it officially has nothing to do with the man who it's named for (he'd probably be ashamed). This is about celebrating Irish heritage through drinking and feasting, so even if you don't have an Irish bone in your body, then drink like you do.

Regardless of whether or not you're a nerd...

Because even after a few drinks, the nerd may end up with the girl...even if the next day she doesn't look like this...or the next day she wakes up and says, "Aww shit, what did I do?"

Slainte' friends.
R.I.P. Nate Dogg...
I swear this is isn't a music blog, but this stuff keeps coming up. I'll relate it with the fact that Death Science Jay was recently shown on video rapping Regulate by Warren G. A song in which Nate Dogg was nominated for a Grammy because of.
Not much info has surfaced, but apparently after a long struggle with medical problems, Nate Dogg died yesterday at 41. It's a damn shame since this hook legend sang on some of the songs that even haters of rap music will recognize.
I'll think back to 1999. I was a sophomore in college and we kept the Chronic 2001 spinning at bars when it came out. I hope that Dre got some good Nate Dogg hooks for his Retox album.
"HeyyyeyyyeEYEYyyyEYYYY...smoke weed every day."
Not much info has surfaced, but apparently after a long struggle with medical problems, Nate Dogg died yesterday at 41. It's a damn shame since this hook legend sang on some of the songs that even haters of rap music will recognize.
I'll think back to 1999. I was a sophomore in college and we kept the Chronic 2001 spinning at bars when it came out. I hope that Dre got some good Nate Dogg hooks for his Retox album.
"HeyyyeyyyeEYEYyyyEYYYY...smoke weed every day."

Timebomb Tuesday...
Since they did release a new album today I will share one of my favorites from Mastodon! Cheers! Plus I fucking love clowns!

These guys are on tour and just like every other tour, aren't coming to Atlanta. What the fuck is wrong with the venues here that make bands COMPLETELY skip over us? It has to be because of Ticketbastard or Cooley Conlin.
Fine Malt Lyrics,
Jump Around,
White Rappers
New Mastodon out today...
Well, really old Mastodon, but in a different form. Mastodon released Live at The Aragon today which is an album from their tour supporting Crack The Skye. As with the rest of the tour they play the entire album from beginning to end (very neat to see live) and follow it up with a range of songs from prior albums (and some not released on regular albums). The visual effects displayed on a screen behind them during the show also makes for the whole experience, which is good since this album is in CD/DVD format. You can see the art work that Brent came up with as well as old video clips from things like Nosferatu and Rasputin's Penis (am I serious?).
Does it appease a real Mastodon fan to receive another hold-off album? Not really. I know bands will release live albums and the like in their lulls of production and sure hearing anything will satiate you to a degree, but after a few listens it just leaves you saying, "Fuck, release some new material." Between the movie score for Jonah Hex and this live album, Mastodon has now dropped TWO between album, albums. The vocal-less droning, atmospheric movie music of the Jonah Hex soundtrack was good for two or three rotations, but then fell into a category of "This is boring without the movie." Hopefully this live album will last me a little longer. Especially since Eric and I saw Brent at the High On Fire show about a year ago and when I said, "Are you guys working on new material?" His response was, "Yeah."
And there's a metal post to counter the Hip Hop post...both albums of which will most likely be played back to back while I'm at work today.
Does it appease a real Mastodon fan to receive another hold-off album? Not really. I know bands will release live albums and the like in their lulls of production and sure hearing anything will satiate you to a degree, but after a few listens it just leaves you saying, "Fuck, release some new material." Between the movie score for Jonah Hex and this live album, Mastodon has now dropped TWO between album, albums. The vocal-less droning, atmospheric movie music of the Jonah Hex soundtrack was good for two or three rotations, but then fell into a category of "This is boring without the movie." Hopefully this live album will last me a little longer. Especially since Eric and I saw Brent at the High On Fire show about a year ago and when I said, "Are you guys working on new material?" His response was, "Yeah."
And there's a metal post to counter the Hip Hop post...both albums of which will most likely be played back to back while I'm at work today.

Atlanta Metal,
March of The Dumbasses,
All things considered...
Since I'm constantly monkeying with my Shovelhead (which is apart...again...long story), I work off of Peachtree Street in downtown a few days a month and I drive a huge 4wd Dodge that's about to have it's last payment made, I've considered buying another toy to keep myself with at least one running bike at all times and something I can easily park in a deck when I'm in the city. I'd considered getting another car or enlisting the '72 F100 for the city commute, but I don't think either of those seem like viable options. I just want another bike...and I want it to be FUN.
So, with that being said I've been giving a few some consideration.
First off, I all of the sudden have a desire to romp shit on a Ducati Hypermotard. I won't drone on about the varying models and their respective amenities, but I will say that these things look like a blast and sound like something you'd ride during a zombie apocalypse. Motard fun on the street with canyon carving ability? I watched a review video the other day and the guy who was testing the bike said in so many words, "When you buy one of these, ride it to the police station and just hand over your license." Yes, please.

I've been drooling/dreaming about the white with red combo Ducati 848 Evo for a while. A super bike with a color combo that stands out without being too overbearing combined with tried and true Italian racing heritage makes me antsy in my pantsy. The price tag is heftier than most other crotch rockets, but with that comes the a lot different bike than the others and instead of riding a hyped up, rev happy four cylinder you have a desmodromic valvetrain powered V-twin with enough torque to slaughter the competition. It's kind of like comparing a Ferrari to a souped-up Toyota MR2 (the 2nd generation, not the MR-S girl cars)...sure they're both mid-engine, well balanced and have the ability to be fast as shit, but come's a Ferrari.

Finally there is one that should be considered, even though in its stock trim it seems like a hulking hunk of shit next to a Ducati; The Harley XR1200X. Harley stepped it up when they released the XR1200 and although I haven't ridden one, from the people I've spoken with who have the XR1200 is an absolute blast with plenty of power to motivate it's big carcass around. The style is a step in the right direction, but I'd have to strip it of about 200 lbs. of safety/EPA friendly garbage that Harley adds on before I'd call it my own. I'm all for buying American and I have an affinity to the Harley brand so this still hangs in there for my consideration and as long as I could envision something more menacing and less upright/monkey fucking a football looking, then it would continue to be a front-runner. Right now though the XR1200X is being overshadowed by the Hypermotard...I mean come on, one's a Ducati.
So, with that being said I've been giving a few some consideration.
First off, I all of the sudden have a desire to romp shit on a Ducati Hypermotard. I won't drone on about the varying models and their respective amenities, but I will say that these things look like a blast and sound like something you'd ride during a zombie apocalypse. Motard fun on the street with canyon carving ability? I watched a review video the other day and the guy who was testing the bike said in so many words, "When you buy one of these, ride it to the police station and just hand over your license." Yes, please.

I've been drooling/dreaming about the white with red combo Ducati 848 Evo for a while. A super bike with a color combo that stands out without being too overbearing combined with tried and true Italian racing heritage makes me antsy in my pantsy. The price tag is heftier than most other crotch rockets, but with that comes the a lot different bike than the others and instead of riding a hyped up, rev happy four cylinder you have a desmodromic valvetrain powered V-twin with enough torque to slaughter the competition. It's kind of like comparing a Ferrari to a souped-up Toyota MR2 (the 2nd generation, not the MR-S girl cars)...sure they're both mid-engine, well balanced and have the ability to be fast as shit, but come's a Ferrari.

Finally there is one that should be considered, even though in its stock trim it seems like a hulking hunk of shit next to a Ducati; The Harley XR1200X. Harley stepped it up when they released the XR1200 and although I haven't ridden one, from the people I've spoken with who have the XR1200 is an absolute blast with plenty of power to motivate it's big carcass around. The style is a step in the right direction, but I'd have to strip it of about 200 lbs. of safety/EPA friendly garbage that Harley adds on before I'd call it my own. I'm all for buying American and I have an affinity to the Harley brand so this still hangs in there for my consideration and as long as I could envision something more menacing and less upright/monkey fucking a football looking, then it would continue to be a front-runner. Right now though the XR1200X is being overshadowed by the Hypermotard...I mean come on, one's a Ducati.

OH noes!!! Not HIP HOP!!!
Being that a lot of "bikers" that I know are trying too hard to fit in to cross boundaries, I'm sure that I'm pissing people off by posting this review. Good. If you don't like hip hop (real hip hop), then take your fake ass back to the Vans store and get a pair to match your rebel flag t-shirt and your sense of entitlement. I could school your poser ass on metal too.
If you actually appreciate good, old hip hop (I'm thinking about my favorite Boozefighter) then you'll like what Raekwon just dropped this week. It's classic Wu-Tang (plenty of Kung Fu movie overdubs and simple grooves & beats), even though the RZA wasn't part of the project at all. Being that I listened to Wu-Tang like they were preaching the gospel in the mid-90's, I've got a deep-seated appreciation for that early style. The albums over the years have progressively strayed further from the raw edge of the originals (with a few diamonds in the rough). Raekwon brings the heat on this one though and I'm glad I picked it up.
If you actually appreciate good, old hip hop (I'm thinking about my favorite Boozefighter) then you'll like what Raekwon just dropped this week. It's classic Wu-Tang (plenty of Kung Fu movie overdubs and simple grooves & beats), even though the RZA wasn't part of the project at all. Being that I listened to Wu-Tang like they were preaching the gospel in the mid-90's, I've got a deep-seated appreciation for that early style. The albums over the years have progressively strayed further from the raw edge of the originals (with a few diamonds in the rough). Raekwon brings the heat on this one though and I'm glad I picked it up.

In lieu of posting something stupid today, take a moment to think about those in Japan. An 8.9 magnitude earthquake is the equivalent of a 336 megaton bomb being dropped. The amount of devastation is unreal. Sendai City (and airport) took a huge hit from the tsunami...that's where Shop Sam's is located.

So my boy Wes from Custom Destruction is in town and we got out on the bikes in 30 degree weather with winds that were nasty. We went to a bar and sang this. Fucking amazing. Pictures up soon. Hold on for one more day!
Don't Drink and Drive...
beat up benz,
need some bondo,
roll over
One of the raddest things ever!!!!
I think The Haints could use this as a theme song. They're all about karate moves and critter shit. This has 100% of both in a big way.
New equipment...
A new welder from Longevity for the shop. Water cooled, 250A, inverter technology, 5 year warranty and better performance than a Miller Diversion. I hate buying something built overseas versus American, but at the price and the advantages, it was a no-brainer.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
Not much Happening...
But I have had some extra cash so some parts have been ordered.
Factory Metal Works Hardtail for the Triumph 6 stretch and 4 drop should make for a Good look.
RB Racing pro stock pipes for the Dyna. These fuckers are gonna look tough as Nails on the Dyna. Go Fast or Go Home.

Chopper Parts,
Swing Low,
Wheelie shit
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