Rep yo city...
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Headed my way...
I've been talking with Thomas Edison from Works Performance about a set of steel trackers for the Shovel. This was one of the changes I wanted to make and Works has made a name for themselves when it comes to custom, performance shocks. The Steel Trackers fit the color scheme I have going on and they're reasonably priced so I got him the information they needed and they're now a work in process.
...and yes, when I first emailed him and he responded, I asked another question followed by, "...and thanks for the light bulb. What a great idea."
I'm an ass.
...and yes, when I first emailed him and he responded, I asked another question followed by, "...and thanks for the light bulb. What a great idea."
I'm an ass.

Live Nude Girls...
I know that the past few weeks have had very few actual motorcycle posts...well it's a combination of some people NOT POSTING and the fact that it's been colder than a witch's titty here in Georgia. I've had no desire to work outside, but that'll change soon. We've got a new shop space lined up that we'll spend Lord knows how long filling up with tools and shit, I'm starting on my new bars this weekend, I'll finish putting this transmission back together after I finish soda blasting it (see below) and I'll cut up a gas tank and rake a neck here soon. There will be plenty of new, good motorcycle stuff soon and once the new shop is up and running we'll have a party.

As far as the soda blaster, the idea is be able to blast parts that typically aren't conducive to sand blasting (carb parts, etc). Since baking soda is water soluble, you can remove grime and dull the finish without getting sand or some other potentially harmful abrasives lodged in a passage (only to come out and destroy some piston rings when you're 300 miles from home). This is a picture that I took off of the internet, but it's the same principle. Basically an air wand, some plastic hose, tape and a way to keep the hose straight in the box. Plug the air wand up to the compressor and pull the trigger. The venturi action of the air being pushed through the tube causes the soda to be pulled from the box, abrading the surface of whatever you put in front of it. Now baking soda isn't nearly as abrasive as sand or glass, so if you need to take a finish off this isn't the way to go. If you want to dull a finish or take the gloss out of powder coat (which I've done with those gloss gray parts I was iffy about), then this works great without having a blast cabinet.

As far as the soda blaster, the idea is be able to blast parts that typically aren't conducive to sand blasting (carb parts, etc). Since baking soda is water soluble, you can remove grime and dull the finish without getting sand or some other potentially harmful abrasives lodged in a passage (only to come out and destroy some piston rings when you're 300 miles from home). This is a picture that I took off of the internet, but it's the same principle. Basically an air wand, some plastic hose, tape and a way to keep the hose straight in the box. Plug the air wand up to the compressor and pull the trigger. The venturi action of the air being pushed through the tube causes the soda to be pulled from the box, abrading the surface of whatever you put in front of it. Now baking soda isn't nearly as abrasive as sand or glass, so if you need to take a finish off this isn't the way to go. If you want to dull a finish or take the gloss out of powder coat (which I've done with those gloss gray parts I was iffy about), then this works great without having a blast cabinet.

Armalite AR 30...

If I had about 1500 dollars to go spend on a rifle this would be it. 26 inch barrel, 5 rounds, 308, 300 mag 0r 338 lapua round.
500 yards,
Killing in the name of,
who shot you?
So The Dawgs play Friday and our boy J-rod attended classes there, hell he graduated. This ones for you college boy. GO DAWGS!!!!!!
fuck visors,
Harry Potter,
Smoke weed,
White basecoat
Because I forgot...
For Gray and Mike from NC especially, here is the link and a pic from the Cake Farts site. I completely forgot that we had that conversation until someone brought it up a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy.
Cake Farts
I don't suggest the Pudding Farts site gets too real, too quick.
Cake Farts
I don't suggest the Pudding Farts site gets too real, too quick.

Gonna try...
New cutter...
After a few years of carrying the Spyderco Delica and having it dull out at a slight breeze I decided to spend the cheese and get a Benchmade. I liked the folding action, thickness and reversible clip of the Spyderco, but the dull blade and small blade size made it a mediocre knife. I'm hoping to be a lot more impressed with the Griptilian as it gets rave reviews (you get what you pay for with Benchmade knives). We'll see.

Not a very well-known band, but if you like some good ol' dirty stuff...give them a listen.
'Looks like we got a clear shot all the way to the Bama State line.'
Some of My favorite Motors...
Too much Youtube...
Masters of Menace...
Waylon is the only person that I've ever talked to that remembers this movie other than me. I used to watch this all of the time as a kid.
Hammer Smashed Face...
So, we're heading to Alabama in my big diesel Dodge and we're all shooting the shit. If you know me, you'll know that even with several folks in the truck I'll still have the radio on Liquid Metal (SiriusXM). It was playing really low in the background and out of nowhere Waylon says, "I know this song!!! That's the song from Ace Ventura! New England Clam Chowder..." I laughed my ass off, but then realized that he was was Hammer Smashed Face by Cannibal Corpse, which was played live in a club during one part of Ace Ventura. It was like the first time my son went potty on a big boy toilet...I was proud.
Death Metal,
Family Reunion,
Road trips
My Weekend...
No pictures in this post, just love.
1) The Haints (especially Nick, Larry and Spenser at GarCo)...thanks so much for having us. It's great having good friends that you can party with and not worry about bullshit, even if the party is straight sausage. Much love homies.
2) Scott Alvarez...thanks for the ink. Next time you're in Atlanta let us know and I'll schedule some seat time with you.
3) know I love you.
4) Shit're a helluva friend and I can't wait to see you again soon.
5) Seth...welcome aboard. I'm glad you made it down with us and I know that we're all happy to have you. It was bound to happen eventually, but it had to be right.
6) Kustom was nice to meet you, man. Any time you're up our way, you're more than welcome.
7) Ross...always good times. Thanks again buddy.
8) Duane...I can't wait to see the Dark Custom video. You're one of a kind.
1) The Haints (especially Nick, Larry and Spenser at GarCo)...thanks so much for having us. It's great having good friends that you can party with and not worry about bullshit, even if the party is straight sausage. Much love homies.
2) Scott Alvarez...thanks for the ink. Next time you're in Atlanta let us know and I'll schedule some seat time with you.
3) know I love you.
4) Shit're a helluva friend and I can't wait to see you again soon.
5) Seth...welcome aboard. I'm glad you made it down with us and I know that we're all happy to have you. It was bound to happen eventually, but it had to be right.
6) Kustom was nice to meet you, man. Any time you're up our way, you're more than welcome.
7) Ross...always good times. Thanks again buddy.
8) Duane...I can't wait to see the Dark Custom video. You're one of a kind.
Shovel #2 moving forward...
Tough guy...
So I'm the type of guy that says "Fuuuuuck yes" when asked the question, "Hey do you want a tattoo while you're drinking beer with your homies?"
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Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
Gar Co. & Team Haints...
If you didn't make it, Your loss the Haints never disappoint. So I Finally shook off the Drunk from last night. Fucking Awesome party for sure always good to get together with the Bro's.
We Loaded up the coolers and headed west to Alabama that is.
Waylon brought some shine.
Made Flounder happy.
I got tattooed. Thanks a million Alvarez, one stand up dude. Hope to do it again soon.
Choppy Chop's
Shit Falcon
Nick did some stunting
We rocked our faces off!
Robbie Knievel!
More Tricks and shit!
Alabama Sunrise
Doing My best to stay awake to keep J-rod awake.
Sethro wasn't any help.
Waylon wasn't either.

Talk about Gay...
Changes in progress...
Them Hills...
J-rod ain't you got some family up there? This is a good video. I had no idea they did a documentary on the White family. One of the craziest families in the south.
Team Haints...
So I google Pelham Alabama, Since we are riding out on saturday for the party. Scroll down and, this is under videos. Fucking amazing, hell if it's all choppy's and bitches fighting I might stay a while.
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